It’s science that energy can be converted in form but not created or destroyed. All matter (even stationary) and all non matter consists of energy grids, which all are perpetually in manifestation motion, whether you are aware of it or not. As all grids are in a self reinforcing cycle while emanating their frequencies- according to their imprinted programs -predicting and potentiating their attraction factor. Micro detailed or grander scheme, humans, animals, businesses, anything existing has its initial expression through their grids vibration. Cell memory, beliefs, habits, patterns, blueprints, thoughts and feelings all have their own grids. Everything within and around you goes in resonance on multiple levels with the vibration of your grids and reflects it back to you internally or externally. Therefore any grids from objects, other beings around you, the space you are in and anything you are surrounded by is on whatever level influencing you by you resonating with it.